
Our sessions together have helped me access deep parts of myself, find flow and build compassion for myself.

When I started working with Amelie I felt stuck, confused and frustrated. Our sessions together have helped me access deep parts of myself, find flow and build compassion for myself. I experienced big shifts, even from the first session. Honestly, she’s brilliant. I finish each meeting inspired and I am grateful for that every week. This time is one of the greatest gifts I’ve given myself.

– Sophie
Before working with Amelie I found it hard to access my pleasure, I was afraid of being hurt and ended up avoiding the idea altogether.
With Amelie’s holding and process I was able to gently ease myself back into conversation with my needs, feel healthy and sacred pleasure once more, create boundaries and learn to say my sacred yes. This experience has changed my life because it has changed me and the way I view myself, my worth, and my pleasure. I would recommend this to any person who has been putting their pleasure and sensuality at the bottom of their pile like I did. It’s time to reclaim it!
– Jade
A handful of sessions have been more effective and more transformative than literal years of therapy.
I have had about 8 of these 1-hour sessions and I’m not exaggerating when I say that these handful of sessions have been more effective and more transformative than literal years of therapy. I never would have believed how incredible this stuff is if someone had told me, but I’ve experienced it myself and I’m a completely new person. I’ve done psychodynamic therapy, CBT, EMDR, and this has been better than all of them, and in much less time. Cannot recommend this enough.”
– Josie
Just had my first session with Amelie, what a beautiful experience!
She is so kind and gentle in her nature. She made me feel safe to explore my energy blocks in an area where I felt very lost and confused. She held the space and guided me so I never felt alone. I feel calm and relaxed and very grateful. I have felt my hope begin to return at a moment in my life where I feel hopeless. Thank you Amelie, I am looking forward to do more work with you.
– Sarah
The coaching experience I’ve had with Amelie has been transformational.
I entered the coaching sessions hoping, but not expecting to find some inner comfort, understanding and peace that I didn’t feel I was reaching with therapy. The experience I’ve had has exceeded all my expectations and has been so valuable. My sense of self confidence, self worth and empowerment have grown so much with Amelie’s guidance and support. I feel like I know myself so much better and feel like a whole person for the first time. The practices I have learnt have become part of my life and will continue to. I would recommend this experience to anyone.
– Becci
A lovely friend gifted me my sessions, as I’ve been through the menopause ringer lately (hello anxiety and depression)!
I wasn’t sure what to expect before starting as I’d not come across a service like this specially for menopause. At the time I had my first sessions I was bit a of a mess mentally having left a job because I couldn’t cope with the pressure. Amelie helped me to visualise my anxiety in a way more mainstream methods hadn’t. I’m a visual learner and this really helped me. I’m back working and now feel really positive about my menopause experiences and the future. If talking about your feelings is not you try Amelie’s course. I will cherish the empowerment I felt from our sessions.
– Melissa
The work I do with Amelie feels like liberation and freedom
Amelie is deeply knowledgeable about women’s emotional healing and is adept at establishing what is needed at that very moment. It is hard work for a person to look at their trauma and reintegrate their memories in a way that is life affirming.  Amelie makes this process feel safe, and even enjoyable.  The work I do with Amelie feels like liberation and freedom.  My life and the opportunities I am able to embrace exponentially continue to improve with her support.  She is a wonderfully kind being with the power to transform lives.
– Sarah