What if this is total nonsense?
Menopause is nature’s way of showing us that women as they reach mid-life, with all their accumulated wisdom and experience, are just too valuable to risk in childbirth. The community needs their skills and knowledge so much that the group as a whole survives better if they are around to lead, than if they birth more children. If you think about it, this is the only way that menopause could have evolved as a trait.

So why is the lead up to this huge transition so difficult at times? Because menopause is a portal.
A time of huge hormonal changes as our bodies prepare themselves for this new and vital role. In stepping into this new role a woman rebirths herself. And no rebirthing process is ever easy. Many women find that at this stage in their lives all that hasn’t yet been dealt with in her life comes up to be healed. There’s often huge re-evaluations of what is important in your life – who is this new woman, this visionary leader that you’re becoming? How do your significant relationships, including the one you have with yourself, need to adapt and change? How do you start to live your authentic truth going into the second half of your life? How can your sexuality stay just as vibrant, or even more so?

This is a 1:1 package of ten bespoke sessions tailored to your exact needs (not a group, one size fits all process, but centred around your unique experience and desires). Together we will hold space for you to reconnect with the wisdom of your body, to realise your sexuality can become more and more sacred and satisfying during this time of your life and beyond, to gently release all that needs to be left behind, and to help you feel resourced, empowered, and excited to step through the portal of mid-life awakening into a future you desire.
At the end of our time together we celebrate with a bespoke rite of passage ceremony that allows you to feel that, rather than menopause happening to you, you can choose to consciously and confidently step into this next phase of your life. The rite of passage uses the power of the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and we work together to make sure every aspect resonates with what nourishes you. For those in London or surrounding areas, these can be in person with friends and family present to celebrate you.
Why a ritual? Because ritual is shown to work directly on the level of your subconscious in a way that can’t be accessed by simply talking about things. When you enact empowerment in ritual, your body feels it in a deep, lasting way.
If you have questions or worries, I’m here for you – feel free to book a connection call if you’d like to chat further before deciding if this package is right for you.
- 10 x 60 min online appointments tailored individually to your exact needs
- Support via email in between sessions
- A beautiful rite of passage ceremony – online or in-person (London only) to celebrate and consciously step through the portal of your transition
6 payments of £250 (monthly)
“A lovely friend gifted me my sessions, as I’ve been through the menopause ringer lately (hello anxiety and depression)! I wasn’t sure what to expect before starting as I’d not come across a service like this specially for menopause. At the time I had my first sessions I was bit a of a mess mentally having left a job because I couldn’t cope with the pressure. Amelie helped me to visualise my anxiety in a way more mainstream methods hadn’t. I’m a visual learner and this really helped me. I’m back working and now feel really positive about my menopause experiences and the future. If talking about your feelings is not you try Amelie’s course. I will cherish the empowerment I felt from our sessions.”