With the earth in crisis, the priestesses are returning…

Earth Priestess Training
starts November 2024 

She is a woman who has learned to hold space for a different way of being.

One who knows that if we as a species are to survive this crisis of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse we must find ways not just to live more sustainably, but to come into a reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living earth.
This year’s doors are open for enrollment
until October 31st 2024
Who is the Earth Priestess?

She is a storyteller for a more beautiful world, putting her energy not just into fighting the old, but into building the new.

She lives in connection and deep reverence to the earth, the seasons and her own inner cycles

She is a creatrix of ritual and ceremony

She is a leader and facilitator of women’s circles

She embraces sisterhood, knowing that as we heal our collective wounds, we rise together

She is not afraid to dance with her shadow and do her own work, she has learned to hold everything that arises within herself with loving, radical self-compassion

She is a voice and an embodiment of a resacralisation of this living earth, living a grounded path of earth-based spirituality. She is a way-shower for others. She is a visionary.

The training

This is not like any other priestess training. I train ‘chop wood, carry water’ priestesses who want to make a difference in the world.

We come together in a coven to do the deep work, to hold space for each other as we learn to open to the wisdom of our own bodies via breathwork, movement and somatic practices, to find our own truth and to step into empowered leadership for the earth.

We honour the Goddess in all her forms through and in nature and learn from the wisdom of the natural world via ritual, honouring of the seasons, nature-based practices and the study of the Celtic ogham.

We practice the skills of creating meaningful ritual, facilitating women’s circles, leading with power from within, not power over, building consensus, guiding meditation and trance journeys.

We work in an embodied way with story, archetypes and myth making. We reclaim our ancient stories and weave new myths that empower and inspire.

And we also study the tools through which we can start to live in true reciprocity with the living earth, the basics of permaculture, social permaculture, and conservation medicine.

Why a priestess training?

I could run a course covering a lot of the tools and practices that we will focus on, but once the course was over, well, you’d have just done a course, learnt some things that you may or may not put into practice.

Being a priestess though, isn’t something you do, it is something you are. A sacred role that you embody with devotion, with reverence, with a sense of stepping into service. I don’t certify you as a priestess, you dedicate yourself. This is not about feeding our egos; the title is not what matters – what matters is embracing connection, and living your own embodied nature-based leadership.

The earth creates us, as priestesses and witches, to act on her behalf, to be her voice, to be a spark of hope that sees the empty, consumerist, destructive way of living that is considered normal and show that there is another way.

We cannot fix the problems humans have caused with the same type of thinking that caused them. We must look for inspiration to our ancestors, who knew that the sacred and the everyday are not separate, and that what we do to the earth we do to ourselves. We must with humility look to learn from the living wisdom of indigenous people who have kept these earth-centred values of respect and reciprocity alive.

We must explore new ways of being on this earth, and strive to restore the balance – that is our work as Earth Priestesses.

It is easy to feel hopeless and discouraged when we look at the scale of the ecological crisis unfolding around us, and this can cause us not to act at all. And this is why we need a coven of sisters around us, to hold us in love and encouragement, to help us to rest and resource, instead of to despair or quit, when we get tired.

Your work as an Earth Priestess may look different from mine
– you may build a community vegetable garden, run a women’s circle, hold seasonal rituals for your family or community, create art that inspires others to see things differently, dance under each full moon, organise peaceful protest actions, help at a forest school, write, sing, work for social justice…
the nature of your path
is yours to claim.
It is my wish for you that you are inspired by everything we learn together, that ultimately you are empowered to trust your own intuition and worth, and that you take it all back out into the world to be part of the change – with confidence, radical self-love, and the support of your sisters behind you.

Year One: Connection and Heart Opening

  • Deep connection to each of the four elements and to source
  • Connection to lunar and menstrual cycle
  • Seasonal cycles – solar cycle and life stages
  • Creating an internal sacred sanctuary
  • Grounding
  • Regulating the nervous system to be able to hold energy and stay centred
  • Self-love and nurturing the self
  • Reclaiming our sacred pleasure
  • Active hope
  • Healing sister wounds
  • Living in harmony with the land
  • Permaculture principles
  • Women in conservation and ecofeminism
  • Decolonising conservation
  • Goddesses of the earth – Brighid, Nemetona, Gaia, Artemis, orishas, Pachamama, Cybele, Danu, Demeter, Baba Yaga…
  • The Celtic Ogham
  • Finding and embodying your priestess archetype
  • Connecting with your own land and the spirits of place

Year Two: Ritual and Expression

  • Creating sacred space
  • Using the four elements in ritual contexts
  • Effective use of voice and body in ritual
  • Music and dance
  • Rites of passage
  • Folklore and activism- becoming the storytellers of a new world
  • Magical activism
  • Holding circle
  • Social permaculture and group process
  • Finding your power and voice
  • Leadership with empathy and compassion
  • Living regeneratively
  • How do we create the new, rather than fight the old?
  • Goddess-centred solutions
  • Earth priestessing in a city
  • Stepping into your sacred role as Earth Priestess

Training will involve:

  • Sacred practices
  • Embodiment and breathwork
  • Ritual work
  • Group teaching and circle – online monthly
  • Hot spot coaching
  • Guest workshops
  • Creation of loving sisterhood
  • Stepping into devotion to the earth
  • Reclaiming our pleasure and playfulness
  • Personal healing on a spiral path back to our innate wisdom
  • Empowering ourselves to act on behalf of the earth
  • Stepping into feminine nature-based leadership
  • Initiation as a Daughter of the Earth at the end of the first year, and initiation as an Earth Priestess at the end of the second year
I’m calling in women who:
Love the earth and feel their soul recharged in nature
Long to dance under the full moon
Feel the call to be part of the solution
Want the support of a coven of sisters
Are ready to explore their own wild, sensual, raw, earthy magic
Are brave enough to walk barefoot on their own spiral path of coming home to themselves
Know in their bones that life should be joyful, playful, and full of love. And that a more beautiful world is possible.
Are we druids, witches, healers, priestesses, gardeners, or activists? Yes, we are.
What is involved?
One initial 1:1 zoom call
(1 hour) to dream your intentions into being and begin to embody your priestess archetype.
Monthly live online group calls (1.5 hours)
we meet at the full moon every month to sit in circle together, to learn, to dance, and to experience somatic practices.
Additional workshops
2-3 extra online workshops/masterclasses per year with guest speakers to bring a diversity of perspectives. Recordings will be available for those
There will be assigned practices between each meeting for you to deepen and embody all that we experience together.
at the end of the first year you will initiate as a Daughter of the Earth, and at the end of the second year as an Earth Priestess. The initiation ritual may be online or in-person depending on where you are located in the world.
Earth Priestess Training
for each year
6 payments of £280 (monthly)
for each year
12 payments of £145 (monthly)
for each year
At Earth Spirals we know that diversity is not a ‘nice to have’, but an essential feature of any flourishing ecosystem. To encourage this, concessionary rates are available for those on low income and/or who are from backgrounds currently under-represented in the goddess community, if you feel this applies to you then please do book a discovery call to discuss how I can help.